For me, it is all about a change and innovation. I am interested in visual expression and the concept of visual society. I am interested in the constant society’s movement in a digital age and tend to view it through the lens of technology.
Behind The Filter is reality
Behind The Filter is a blog that is aiming to explore how technology has changed the way we visually express ourselves in the digital age. Today we live in a very expressive time, but we also are in the culture where manipulating our photographs is the main form of visual expression.
What we are trying to do is insert ourselves into the digital space by using technological tools which, and I do apologise if I am wrong, are mostly designed by intelligent men in Palo Alto. These tools are supposedly allowing us to portray ourselves in personal and unique ways, when reality is somewhat different.
How far is technology taking us in terms of visual self-expression? What social issues is this continues bottle against human and technology tools causing? What is hiding behind the filter? Behind The Filter is trying to find answers to these rather important questions.
Behind The Filter