Month: December 2016Page 5 of 5

Post #3: Trolling

One in four teenagers has suffered from online abuse in the past year. The impact can be extreme: it’s time to face the facts about internet trolling. So,…

Its that Time Of the Month again: #TAMPONGIRL

Remember #TamponGirl?! Before I begin, a bloody disclaimer… WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT MAY VARY Here’s the link to the full video: Girl sucking her own tampon! But why do such…


With the rise of social media, the way people have come to interact with others has dramatically shifted. All contacts, friends and family are at reach with a…

Celebrities who have embraced the natural look

Hello Everyone, Today I wanted to talk about how important it is for celebrities to set a good example for their fans about body image when on the…

Make Up Boys of Instagram.

With the rise of Instagram, we have also seen a rise in male beauty and makeup gurus, who create masterpieces on their own faces.  Bretman Rock, James Charles Dickinson…

Usage Breakdown; The Time we Spend using Technology (BACOM)

SO TECHNOLOGY IS EVERYWHERE, WE USE IT ALL THE TIME. BUT HOW LONG DO WE SPEND USING TECHNOLOGY? OFCOM Study A study by Ofcom in August 2014 [1] found that on average we spend…

No more Gender Pay Gap- Pay Me Right!

Pay Wo-Men Equal Wages! The genders receiving unequal pay is a thing of the past – or at least you’d think it would be! In this sense, society…

This isn’t something that can be concealed…

Make up styles and fashion trends have always been something that’s at the forefront of the media. The yearly Fashion Weeks from New York to London. The variety…

4 Simple Steps to Protect Your Computer from Hackers

Connecting your computer to the internet is like leaving your house unlocked- eventually someone will wander in and empty your jewellery box. You wouldn’t leave your house at…


This blog refers to the social issue of LGBTQ+ rights and equality. This is a widespread issue across the world, and many countries have different laws in regard…

The Shame Game – What is it All About?

We shame on those who are fat, yet we shame on those who are thin. If you aren’t model potential you are beauty shamed or flawed. Anyone that…

10 Signs you’re Addicted to Social Media

In this age of tech and easy accessibility to the online world, it’s hardly surprising we’re becoming addicted to the online version of our life. With everything from ‘peak…

Celeste Barber: Recreating Celebrity Instagram Photos

You’ve probably seen one of Celeste Barber’s photos even if you haven’t heard of her. The Australian Mum and comedian has been recreating celebrity Instagram photos since January…

Are you a Victim of Cyberbullying?

Are you trapped behind your computer screen? Do you feel like you have lost everyone around you? Are you afraid to ask for help? Do you ever wonder…

Are Women More Active On Social Media Than Men?

WHO’S MORE ACTIVE ON THE INTERNET? Here’s a quick question: if you are socially active online, is it mainly women or men that you see update their status…

Online gaming and Sexual Harassment

 “Oh you are a woman and you play video games? The guys must love that.” We all unconsciously use subtle forms of sexism everyday and more often than…

Dating People Or Dating Our Phones? Addiction To The Dating Game

Can anyone actually remember the days when you had to wait to see your crush at school or at work? Or the days you’d waste away constantly checking…

The truth is behind the filter

AH filters- glorious, glorious filters. We all love one, whether we use them to enhance our cheek bones or to fit with our theme on Instagram. We are…

Humanising the refugees crisis.

It’s not enough to condemn refugees on actions they haven’t made as a form of self-protection in less affected countries. A refugee means somebody seeking refuge. These people are…

The Influence of Social Media

I don’t know about you but I feel like I spend way to much of my time scrolling away through the various social media accounts I have, constantly…

Making a change #boysdocry

Before I get started, I just want to clarify, I love the internet. This blog isn’t to put anyone off social media use, in fact first, I want…

Heard of Data Mining? Its heard of you!

This weeks blog focuses on Data Mining, explaining what it is, who uses it and why it is used.   What is data mining? Essentially data mining is…

Welcome to DataSafe

This is the first post on the blog and I want to use this opportunity to ask you some questions to get you thinking about the idea of…

Why are we so fame obsessed?

Staying updated on the daily occurrences of celebrities has never been so easy. With the rise of popularity of social media you are able to observe every part…

The Obsession with Unrealisitic Beauty Standards

Teenagers in today’s society are constantly on social media and are obsessed with the models and celebrities that they see, often labelling them as ‘goals’. This obsession with…

Get Your Life On Track(er)

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Phone addiction and are we concerned?

Do you find yourself looking at your phone and not noticing? Do we need to be concerned? When was the last time you went to a place and…