Upon researching the topic of plastic surgery there were real- life stories that I found hard to believe. I began to question the authenticity of something that seemed so ridiculous.
The idea of someone altering their appearance to achieve a desired goal is a concept that I find strange to being with so when someone has surgery with the aim of looking like a cat, I go as far to question their sanity!
The new and improved take on cat woman, erm?
Jocelyn Wildenstein, a wealthy socialite and ex-wife of a billionaire art-dealer has reportedly spent over $4 million throughout the years on plastic surgery in an attempt to look more like exotic wild cats (yes you read that right! Cats!?) Because of this obsession, Jocelyn is often nicknamed “Cat Woman” in the media. As part of her 1999 divorce deal with her husband, the judge ruled that Jocelyn could not spend any of her alimony from Alec on plastic surgery (which gives an insight into how obsessed she must have truly been).
Here’s what Jocelyn’s transformation from a young, natural looking woman in what she believes to resemble a wild animal:
(Jocelyn Wildernstein’s transformation, 1970, 1998, 2003, 2008)
In 2011, it appear Jocelyn may have had a moment of realisation! She was last seen looking more human leading the public to believe she may have undergone some form of corrective surgery. Her lips looked smaller and her forehead/ eyebrows reduced and more natural. (Although her appearance was (and still) is drastically altered with non-human like features).
I wonder if it was something she’d always wanted to do? Or whether she woke up one day with the idea of being a cat and had the means (money) to do so.
Obsessed with surgery, pick up the cooking oil! (Not)
The initial reason I began researching the topic of plastic surgery was due to a video that I was made aware through twitter almost four years ago! I remember friends talking about it and my social media feed going insane!
It was all centred around a woman, Hang Mioku who was refused any more plastic surgery in Korea as doctors told her she had a psychological issue after being obsessed with silicone injections just wanting ‘soft’ skin. This rejection lead her to injecting cooking oil in face, leaving her permanently disfigured.
Here are some tweets from 2013 of people airing their initial shock at the story!
(Tweets from 2013 regarding the story)
She was a former model with a pretty face who was left with a permanently disfigured from her DIY beauty treatment. After already injecting an entire bottle of black market silicone into her face, Hang resorted to using cooking oil that left her face severely swollen and scarred.
Video below from an American News show (TomoNewsUS) reporting on her tragic story:
Her disastrous attempt at perfection was featured on Korean television and viewers donated thousands of pounds to pay for corrective surgery. During her first of 10 operations, surgeons removed 60g of silicone oil (60g!!!!) and other foreign substances from her face and 200g from her neck. However, Hang remains forever more disfigured and says she desperately wishes she could have her old face back.
Hangs sad story should be a lesson to anyone who is thinking of taking plastic surgery into their own hands! Leave it to the professionals!
Thank you for reading this post! More updates will be posted soon