All about; me, this blog and everything in between:
Bournemouth University student.
Travel Enthusiast. Part-time blogger. Full-time question asker.
I am currently studying Communication and Media at a Bournemouth University in the South of England. Media is a topic that shapes and creates the world in which we live today and I have a particular interest in way in which social media can have a personal effect on impressionable young people.
How many of you reading this have a social media account? I personally have all of the available accounts out there, from Snapchat, to Instagram, to Twitter (and know full well that I will download the next big craze that is gonna take the media world by storm). Think about the last time you went a day without using a social media account… can’t? Don’t worry you’re not the only one! But do you ever stop to think about what effect your social media usage is having? We can connect with celebrities with the click of a button but sometimes forget that the world they live in is not the same as ours.
Their Instagram accounts are flawless and their tweets are carefully processed and mediated by a team of god knows how many! Are these accounts really a true reflection of the person? This blog is all about exploring how celebrity culture is effecting the way in which we (me included) want to change and adapt to reach the levels of this so called ‘perfection’ that is portrayed by famous accounts.