Hey GenZ’ers! I hope you are all fine and well and have been embracing this rather gloomy January with in full swing. Anyway, this is my final post for this project. I have really enjoyed looking into the impact of influencers and feel like I have learned a lot. Hopefully you guys feel the same. However, reflecting on the pieces I’ve produced, I realise I have been slightly doom and gloom about the whole blogger behaviour thing. But, guess what? Blogging actually does have REALMS of benefits! I’ve created a handy Infographic for you to check out and see some of the pros of using influencers and utilising blogging into your personal life. It might sound a bit naff; but I can vouch for the fact that blogging is a great creative outlet. But don’t just trust my opinion- have a look for yourself…
Use the hashtag #GenerationZ to let me know what you think!
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