Tag: Motivation

Just another pretty ‘#Basic’ blog…

Just another pretty ‘#Basic’ blog…

What is this year’s #BasicStarterPack?! *Warning! Offensive language may occur* In this generation, everyone is involved with what goes on in the media as the majority of our resources are all technological. All we do is soak in the content that we see online and accept it just as it is, which means that most people that are involved in the internet world have all become robots. Looking the same. Acting the same (by trying to be different without realising that everyone strives for that same goal in life). Having the same interests. All of which best describes what ‘basic’…

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Why do women feel the ‘NEED’ to diet and are they ‘showing off’ on social media?

Why do women feel the ‘NEED’ to diet and are they ‘showing off’ on social media?

#HealthyEating #EatClean #FoodPorn For many years women have always felt the need to be very considerate of their appearance and have been living with the mindset of constantly trying to “look good”, whether it was for men or for themselves. From the era of corsets to diet-related hashtags on social media. This has been a remaining issue that has been around for quite a while now. It has been this constant need to have ‘the perfect body’. With the two lines on your stomach marking the abs, a perky butt, a thigh gap, and prominent collar bones. It has caused…

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