Let’s take this in for a moment ….

As you can see in the infographic above I carried out some research, now you are probably wondering why this has anything to do with me and my blog. This has everything to do with me being who I am and hence why I started this blog. I am every part of the statistic, not that shocking as this is the norm for many people I know or that I have heard about and it was about time light was shed on these situations. If I didn’t look into this I would have been apart of the problem, those who know that there are young people going through this and choose not to raise awareness nor educate themselves further about the situation, as I know how it feels from experience to have my problems ignored I couldn’t do the same. Even though I cannot personally go out and meet the people within the statistic shown I thought I could make a blog post and share it amongst my people as a step in the right direction.

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