
Hello there,

My name is Marimam Sanyang (LOL) I’m laughing because if you met me in person I will tell you that my name is Maryiam. Welcome to my blog called “Unregrettably Me”, the meaning behind the name choice is very sentimental to me as just a couple months ago, I was trying to alter myself just to keep other around me happy. This took a toll on me, causing me to be a lot more anti-social than usual. This blog first started off as a way for me to relay my feelings in a more therapeutic and useful tool others as well as getting my point out there that I can no longer keep changing myself so that people can like me because that is not being to the most important person, me. I then slowly started to realise that I am not the only one going through this and there are a lot more hidden layers as to why I thought altering myself was even a sensible idea, to begin with. Through the major rise in internet usage, social media platforms and celeb culture the self-confidence of many young adults and teenagers have plummeted trying to play catch up and meet unrealistic looks and trends.

So join me as I take you through how social media not only help me break out of my brainwashed cycle of trying to keep up with the latest trends, but also how it had me at my lowest points.