It doesn’t even bear thinking about… the amount of money we spend on food is Ridiculous!!!
We never stop and think about how social media clogging our feeds with photos/videos/tags, effects our bank accounts. Ever been tempted to attempt one of the food videos that has your mouthwatering from the moment go… We’ve all been there.
YouGov research commissioned by Sainsbury’s found out that 81% of average four person family’s think they waste roughly £30 worth of food per month. When in reality they waste double that. Having eyes bigger than our stomachs is a huge issue within the UK and advertising for food is unavoidable. It is easy to understand why people waste so much money on food, as a nation we are manipulated by junk food (and other food) on every type of medium that exists.
The worry is not with people wasting money with good food, it is the wasting money on junk food than is causing huge issues. McDonalds are known worldwide for their inventive adverts that have caught the attention of nations, and although this is an achievement for McDonalds, it is not for the pubic. It is well known that the McDonalds food is filled with high sugar, salt and fats and ‘Statista’ (The Statistics portal) found out some shocking results…
The statistics showed McDonalds revenue worldwide from 2005-2015 in billion U.S dollars. The study showed that in 2013 the revenue in dollars was 28.11!!! The amount of money the public spend on fast food clearly shows how childhood obesity has been allowed to get so out of control. Adults and children alike need to swap the fries for carrot sticks and it is the advertising industry that has a responsibility to make this happen. The public are so manipulated by advertising it seems obvious to scrap all junk food advertising across all mediums, not just for audiences under 16, but for everyone!!
How many times have you seen a recipe online, or a cool video of a delicious snack and thought ‘i have to make that!’, too many. We play into the hands of advertisers on social media and across all mediums of advertising. Rushing out the door to go and buy all the ingredients for some rocky roads at 10pm at night because you just HAVE to make the snack you’ve seen on a video; this is the exact response that the producers of these videos want. We, as a nation, waste extreme amounts of money on food we don’t need or don’t end up eating, and when we think of children (and adults) in countries such as Africa it seems even more evident how wasteful we are being. When will the greed of food ware off ? It needs to start now, and Social Media is a good place to start!