Sexual Harassment and Alcohol
Unfortunately alcohol and sexual harassment come hand in hand. It’s safe to say when I’m out drinking with my friends I experience it the most. However because its become the norm to experience sexual harassment when out clubbing, it’s now become something that we have to accept. On the other hand, because of the internet men and women can talk about the sexual harassment they put up with daily.
My friends and I decided to go out clubbing when my boyfriend came to visit me at university. Its shocking to see how some people behave whilst under the influence. My boyfriend and I were stood having a conversation, we were quite close to each other so it was fairly obvious that we were a couple. However to my horror a passer by still proceeded to grab me from behind quickly as he walked past, which angered me beyond belief. I couldn’t believe that someone would still continue to do this to me when i was clearly stood with my partner. It’s this sort of behaviour that could start fights and arguments which could then lead to people getting hurt.
This incident is what made me decided on the theme of this weeks blog. The dangers of alcohol influencing sexual harassment.
Just because you’ve had a drink does that make it acceptable to sexually harass someone?
A big part of being a student at university is the social side of things. Clubbing and social occasions where drinking is involved are crucial when it comes to university life. However if someone is anxious about going out, due to the fact that they tend to get groped within the first ten minutes they step into a club. I feel they have the right to say “no I want to stay at home” without being labelled as ‘boring’.
For years we have been taught to treat others how we would wish to be treated, but why don’t we? Just because someone has had a drink doesn’t give you any kind of right to their body. Remember to drink responsibly.
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