Take a stand against cyber bullying
Hi guys, this week i’m looking at whats happened and where cyber bullying has come from. The rise of the World Wide Web has brought the endless amount of social media. Social media such as Facebook, twitter and older sights such as Bebo and MySpace allowed for teens and adults to create accounts. These accounts allow users to show friends and family what they have been up to, what their likes and dislikes are and its also a place to upload pictures. And so… as digital takes over the world, millions of people have taken themselves onto the World Wide Web. Our lives are slowly beginning to revolve around the internet- however do we really know the dangers of being online?
According to anti-bullying pro over the last three years there has been an 87 % increase in the number of Childline’s counselling sessions about online bullying. As well as this it is estimated that 5.43 million young people in the UK have experienced cyber bullying, with 1.26 million subjected to extreme cyber bullying on a daily basis.
The ever changing digital world is somewhat faulty with the dangers it brings. We should be able to embrace and enjoy opportunities that the digital world can give us without having to worry about being harassed and abused online. There appears to be nothing that can stop it, however I hope that I can provide some sort of information that will be of use to you all. As I mentioned the statistics are harrowing, it is vital that things change. As modern technology, evolves and develops we must take every opportunity to learn more about what we can do to help as we try to continue to live safely.
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Speak to you all soon!
Beth x
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