Is the art world growing enthusiasm for the all digital things? Recently, museums and art galleries have started to use the internet and social media as a marketing tool, to increase online sales and visitors. However that is not the sole purpose of their interest in the digital realm. Pieces from ...
Social Media
Celebrities and Social Media
In today's modern culture celebrities have began to play a major part in our life. Through the popularity of Social Networking, they have become their own brands, promoting themselves through Social Media. Companies and Brands, thanks to this new online system, have started to embrace the ...
News in the age of online communication
Whether the development of technology has been beneficial or not is an existing discussion that can have different answers. However I want to focus my attention on some positive aspects online communication has brought to our society, that we sometimes forget about. Social Media can be addictive , ...
Is Social Media taking over our happiness?
The world of Social Media is without any doubt part of our everyday world. As soon as we open our eyes in the morning, we need to check how many likes we got in the selfie posted the night before on Instagram or who went out the night before on Snapchat. Somehow we control what everyone does. Have ...
Hello everyone! To start off I am going to tell you a bit about myself. My name is Anna and I'm a second year student at Bournemouth University. I'm a 20 years old Italian living in the UK. The idea behind my blog is to explore the rising obsession of Social Media and examine its impact on ...