In the last 15 years widespread internet access has transformed the world. At the turn of the century, no one would have predicted that the internet would be such a integral part of life in 2017, but here we are. I’ve made some predictions on the future of the Internet

Everything will be on The Cloud

In the next 10 years cloud computing will be the everything. Cloud Computing is already pretty big business, it generated $80 billion in 2015 and experts have predicted this will increase to $167 billion in 2020. Cloud computing provides instant access to data anywhere and anytime as long as you have an internet connection. The benefits of cloud computing cannot be denied but like any new technology the potential for it go wrong is great so be warned. The threat of Cyberattacks are greater because there is so much data from so many people stored in one place, the cloud is a bigger target for hackers.  As technology develops, security measures become greater but attacks also become more sophisticated.

Eco-friendly Internet

The infrastructure of the internet will be much more energy efficient. The internet of things will be used to monitor products through their life cycle and when it’s discarded a sensor is sent to the manufacturer alerting them to the parts that can be repurposed. Green Hosting will also be more common as energy prices become more expensive.

More hackers

Every year there is more malicious malware released on the World Wide Web. As the world becomes more cyber connected, vulnerability to cyber-attacks will be greater. By 2020, these attacks will be more targeted and sophisticated.

Nations will continue to scale up cyberwarfare attacks. These attacks won’t just target government and military agencies computer viruses, denial of service attacks and other Internet based hacking will target financial centres like Wall Street and the London Stock Exchange.

[You might also like 4 Simple Steps to Protect Yourself Against Hackers]


Traditional classroom education will be a thing of the past (this one’s a stretch but who knows!) Widespread internet access will allow educators to use virtual schools to deliver lessons, online learning environments will be utilised in all societies so education will be more readily available to everyone.