Tag: Social Media

Woman ‘Foot Binding’ in Chinese Culture

Woman ‘Foot Binding’ in Chinese Culture

Is Facebook trying to humiliate women with ‘lotus feet’?! Every day I check my social media on my phone or on my laptop. A video came up on my Facebook feed shared by a friend. The video showed Chinese women with ‘lotus feet’. At first, I had no idea why these women had feet like this, which made me curious. From my research, I saw that ‘foot binding was ‘the cruel practice of mutilating the feet of young girls. It was seen as a sign of wealth and marriage eligibility from the 10th to 20th centuries in Chinese society’ (Strochlic…

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Why do women feel the ‘NEED’ to diet and are they ‘showing off’ on social media?

Why do women feel the ‘NEED’ to diet and are they ‘showing off’ on social media?

#HealthyEating #EatClean #FoodPorn For many years women have always felt the need to be very considerate of their appearance and have been living with the mindset of constantly trying to “look good”, whether it was for men or for themselves. From the era of corsets to diet-related hashtags on social media. This has been a remaining issue that has been around for quite a while now. It has been this constant need to have ‘the perfect body’. With the two lines on your stomach marking the abs, a perky butt, a thigh gap, and prominent collar bones. It has caused…

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