Month: February 2017

First impressions of Bangkok

    When I arrive in Bangkok, I am freezing and tired from the trip that all I want to do is go to sleep the moment I arrive….

About Me

Hello, My name is Nicoletta Cremona, and I am a student at Bournemouth University where I am reading Communications and Media. I grew up in a tiny village…

Music piracy: Murderer!

Music piracy killing the Music Industry. It is obvious that sites such as YouTube, Spotify, Pandora and many more have impacted the Music Industry’s revenue growth as they…

YouTube: Music saver or Music killer?

What is YouTube? In recent years, YouTube has been a huge part of our daily lives. Everyone knows what YouTube is, and for the few ones who don’t,…

Infogram on ways to avoid the lures of Social Media Applications

Here’s my final blog post on the ‘Implications of Social media’. Here you will find ways of combating your constant over-usage of social media applications and why over-usage…

Social media: Breaking down the wall.

Social media, the biggest source of communication, which connects and unifies the world, has also been part of this major musical revolution. Social media platforms aren’t all about…

Photo Based Social Media Applications

We use photo based applications to constantly show off the more ‘glamorous’ side of our day-to-day lives. We never really take photos of the more mundane aspects of…